For GUARNIMED every activity is characterized by the continuous search for innovative solutions for increasingly cutting-edge processes capable of optimizing the production phases and exceeding the expectations of the most demanding customers.

The GUARNIMED staff is constantly involved and motivated at all levels in team work to gather ideas and insights for improvement and development at every opportunity.

Precision, flexibility, a wide range of products and satisfaction of any request are the key factors on which GUARNIMED relies to be a partner of the customer and gain their trust.

Management is supported by a risk-based system thinking to ensure business continuity and to put needs and projects into the best possible context, minimizing the negative effects of uncertainties and maximizing opportunities.

GUARNIMED, has the objective of being a full player in the automotive supply chain, and offers itself to the customer with an organisation aimed at ensuring the best suitability in all respects, including product safety aspects through the PSCR (or GPSD) function.Continuous improvement, prevention and reduction of variability are concepts metabolised at all levels and preponderant in every situation.

GUARNIMED considers ESG activity and the focus on the 2030 Agenda to be fundamental for the future and has established a dedicated team for these. We are proud to have pursued the principles of sustainability from the very beginning with our innovation and performance activity and our integrated environmental and safety system activity.

The GUARNIMED management system is also a tool for implementing social responsibility policies on all fronts, including anti-corruption, employee conduct and whistleblowing protection.

GUARNIMED’s product innovation and performance are also developed with a priority focus on sustainability through advanced production methods to save materials, energy and space, and by designing increasingly flexible and compact machinery. The ‘modus operandi’ is constantly under discussion to optimise and not waste anything.

Order, cleanliness, environmental protection, in particular for atmospheric emissions, water discharges, external noise, use of hazardous substances and separate waste collection, the life cycle and end of life of products and plants, up to the visual impact of the company, constitute activities of continuous awareness and sensitisation in all GUARNIMED’s activities.

For GUARNIMED, customer loyalty means offering not only products and services with the highest quality standards, but also innovative, advanced and durable solutions.

A motivated staff is the key on which GUARNIMED’s development is based. Employees are aware of the importance of their role with regard to quality, environmental compliance, and the requirements and prescriptions related to environmental aspects, including those that are voluntary or subscribed to by the organisation, as well as the prescriptions for medical products and good manufacturing practices for materials and objects intended to come into contact with food & beverage products.

For GUARNI&MED it is imperative that the management of processes is constantly monitored in order to pursue the best effectiveness of the processes and full compliance with all applicable standards. For this, GUARNIMED has equipped itself with a new generation ISO 8 clean room.

The Management, through the integrated management system, is directly committed to pursuing improvement objectives for the safety and health of workers, including it in the corporate strategy and making all the necessary resources (professional, instrumental and economic) available to the structure and the prevention and protection service (SPP).

Management considers safety aspects to be essential and workers trained, informed and sensitised. It involves the entire structure in terms of workplaces, operating and organisational methods, in cooperation between the various company resources and specific external organisations, in full compliance with current laws and regulations and internal standardisation with procedures and instructions.

General direction

Andrea Belometti
