Sustainability is a MUST for Guarnimed

Innovation and product performance are developed through new production methods to save raw materials, energy and space, and by designing increasingly flexible and compact machinery. The “modus operandi” is constantly under discussion to optimise and not waste anything.

Tidiness, cleanliness, environmental protection, in particular for atmospheric emissions, water discharges, noise to the outside world, use of hazardous substances and separate waste collection, constitute activities of continuous awareness and sensitisation in all departments of the company.

For the company, it is essential that the staff is involved and motivated in all stages of production of the finished gasket: Guarnimed in fact seeks to make them increasingly aware of the importance of the quality of the final gasket, environmental compliance, and the requirements and prescriptions relating to environmental aspects, including those that are voluntary or signed by the organisation.

Guarnimed's initiatives are aimed at increasing its and its stakeholders' awareness and skills on the opportunities also competitive related to the sustainable management of the market chain and its life cycle. It is also fundamental for Guarnimed that the company's management is constantly monitored, in order to achieve the best effectiveness of production processes and full compliance with all applicable regulations.

Undertook ESG development activities, focusing on the environmental sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Defined the company's code of ethics, policies and directives in terms of sustainability with a dedicated work team that further enhances the action Guarnimed has been pursuing in the field since day one.

In September 2024, Guarnimed was awarded the Silver Medal by EcoVadis, an important award that recognises our commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. Guarnimed ranks in the top 7% of companies assessed, scoring 15 points above the average of companies in our same sector. This is a great result that reflects our commitment and dedication to sustainable and responsible practices.

Some steps towards environmental sustainability:

  • 2010

    Installation of the photovoltaic system with a capacity of 110 kw, which produces 110,00 kw/h per year, reducing the emission of carbon dioxide by 58,500 kg.
  • 2014

    Drastic reduction in the use of methane gas for heating thanks to a state-of-the-art compressor.
  • 2015

    The company’s departments are equipped with LED lighting.
  • 2016

    The production department is also cooled in replacement of the existing air conditioning. Substantial savings in electricity, improved working conditions for operators in the summer months and increased stability for raw materials.
  • 2018

    Guarnimed installs a distiller in the finishing department that allows washing with distilled water and a total recycling of water thanks to the closed loop.
  • 2020

    The offices moved to the new building with integrated home automation.
  • 2022

    Implementation of new mould design technique for saving raw material. Installation of monitoring systems for energy saving.
  • 2023

    ESG activities with dedicated team. Focus on the environmental sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.
  • 2024

    Awarded the Silver Medal by EcoVadis, a global corporate sustainability assessment platform.
  • 2024

    Obtaining ISO14064-1 Certification on Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting and Management